Ben & Jerry’s Fortifies Farmer Focus with Fairtrade Effort

2013-01-28 11:46:12

Great news for ice cream fanatics out there! Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in the USA will soon be sporting the cheery blue-and-green FAIRTRADE Mark, as it does in the rest of the world. The company is a long-term partner of Fairtrade International (FLO) and the global Fairtrade system (FLO). Ben & Jerry’s reaffirmed their commitment to Fairtrade and will continue transitioning its products to include as many Fairtrade ingredients as possible. 

“We’re working hard to transition eligible ingredients to be Fairtrade,” said Fairtrade Project Manager Kate Paine at the company headquarters. “Our products have an immense variety of chunks and swirls, making it an extremely complex conversion. But we look forward to the challenge as we aggressively pursue the Fairtrade conversion by the end of 2013.”

“Hats off to Ben & Jerry’s deepening commitment to the international Fairtrade system and how fantastic that US consumers will get to enjoy even more Fairtrade certified ice cream,” said Harriet Lamb, Fairtrade International’s CEO. “We believe in the power of the globally-recognized FAIRTRADE Certification Mark and internationally-agreed Fairtrade Standards; and we will work tirelessly with our partners and supporters to achieve our common vision of trade justice for farmers and workers.”

More details in Ben & Jerry’s latest press release