Calling all Fair Trade Towns!

2013-01-10 14:35:42

17 October 2012

Fair Trade supporters from around the world will gather in Poznań, Poland for the sixth International Fair Trade Towns conference on 10-11 November. Delegates from 23 countries are already confirmed.

The Fair Trade Towns campaign is a dynamic global movement of cities and communities who are helping to grow Fair Trade by achieving five campaign goals in their locale. There are now 1136 Fair Trade Towns on five continents – the biggest campaign promoting Fair Trade worldwide.

“This year’s conference is of special importance to the young Fair Trade movement in Poland. We expect that conference delegates visiting Poznań will support and inspire the people of Poland in their fair trade promotional efforts,” says Tadeusz Makulski, member of the Polish Fair Trade Association and one of the conference organizers.

Conference highlights include the enactment of "the Poznań Declaration", a summons launching the global “Millennium Development Goals post-2015” campaign, organized by the Fair Trade Advocacy Office.

To register your attendance or find out more, please visit the Fair Trade Towns Conference website.

If you belong to a Fair Trade Town but are not able to attend, please show your support by sending a postcard from your town to: Fair Trade Shop, Ul. Poznanska 25, 60-850 Poznan, Poland

To find out more about Fair Trade Towns in your country, link to your national campaign via the international campaign website.