Fairtrade International (FLO) is run in a way that enables its members and other stakeholders to contribute to strategy and standard setting.
The Fairtrade labelling initiatives and the Producer networks are full members of FLO and have the right to vote at the annual General Assembly. There are also two associate members, Fairtrade Label South Africa and Comercio Justo México.
All members and certified producer organizations participate in FLO’s decision-making through the General Assembly and their respective Assemblies: the Labelling Initiatives' Assembly or relevant Producer Network Assemblies.
Board & Leadership Team
The Board is elected by the General Assembly and includes:
- 5 representatives from the Fairtrade Labelling Initiatives (LI)
- 4 representatives from Fairtrade certified producer organizations (at least one from each of the regional producer networks)
- 2 representatives from Fairtrade certified traders
- 3 external independent experts
The Leadership Team manages day-to-day operations and strategic direction.
Members of Fairtrade International meet once a year at the General Assembly. This Assembly, made up of 50 producer representatives/50 percent labelling initiative representatives decides on membership issues, approves the annual accounts, and ratifies new Board directors.
There are also annual assemblies for the Fairtrade labelling initiatives and for the producer networks.