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Fairtrade@Work is an international program which your company/organization can add to your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) portfolio. This program encourages and incentivizes local businesses to use Fairtrade products in their canteens and kitchens. The program is also a great option for companies/organizations who want to change the world through their everyday actions.

Fairtrade@Work: Quick Facts

  • Fairtrade@Work members
    - Organizations in the UK, Belgium, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa have all participated in this program.
  • How to get Started
    - Organizations that are interested in the Fairtrade@Work should contact Fairtrade Korea to schedule an appointment to discuss ways in which their organization can get involved in Fairtrade and receive the certificate of the Fairtrade@Work program.
    - When the organization in question has met all the requirements for the Fairtrade@Work program, they should fill out the online application form which is included in this section and either email the form directly to or fax it to 82-2-725-0383.

Fairtrade@Work: Benefits

  • Local and national recognition once your company/organization has achieved the Fairtrade Status. For companies/organizations who report on their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, you can add the Fairtrade@Work program to your sustainability activities. Fairtrade@Work will help your company/organization to be seen as a leader in social responsibility and a contributor towards sustainable development.
  • Your company/organization will be awarded the Fairtrade@Work Award plaque for your commitment to Fairtrade and you will also be given a Fairtrade@Work certificate.
  • Be part of an internationally renowned system that advocates for more equality and sustainability for small-scale farmers and workers in developing countries
  • Fairtrade Korea promotes Fairtrade@Work certified companies/organizations. We not only place the logos of your company/organization on the walls of our office entrance, website and social network services(SNS) such as Facebook, but we also feature your company/organization in our monthly newsletter, which is distributed worldwide and sent to NGO’s, businesses, local government district offices, and individuals devoted to the Fairtrade cause.
  • Increased opportunities for staff engagement and team building - we can help make this an informative and fun venture

Fairtrade@Work Awards

The purpose of the Fairtrade@Work Awards is to show official recognition of the outstanding contribution by Fairtrade Workplaces to the mission of expanding the Fairtrade movement in South Korea. After Fairtrade Korea receives a Fairtrade@Work application form from a company/organization, they will organize a Fairtrade presentation either in the office of the company/organization or at the Fairtrade Korea office. After the session, the participating company/organization will receive a partnership certificate with Fairtrade Korea. The person in charge and an associate are required to send a yearly report regarding his/her organization’s Fairtrade activities to Fairtrade Korea office. A plaque and a certificate will be given to the companies/organizations whose activities comply with this program to be displayed in their offices as further evidence of their internal Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities. A one star or two stars award will be given based on the level of commitment displayed by the company/organization in question.

Fairtrade@Work: One Star

  • Requirements
    - Provide 100% Fairtrade Coffee at the workplace
    - Nominate one representative and an associate of Fairtrade@Work among employees of the company/organization
    - Fill out and submit the Fairtrade@Work application form

Fairtrade@Work: Two Stars

The Fairtrade@Work Two Stars Award can be received when a company/organization meets a requirement among the six conditions below. Whenever it meets an additional requirement, it will receive one more star award.

  • Requirements
    - Provide Fairtrade tea and Fairtrade chocolate
    - Provide gift sets including Fairtrade certified products such as Fairtrade coffee and tea
    - Provide Fairtrade fruit
    - Provide uniforms made of Fairtrade cotton
    - Provide Fairtrade wine
    - Organize a Fairtrade club promoting Fairtrade in the workplace

Fairtrade@Work Resources

For Fairtrade@Work posters and campaign materials please visit resources page. To see Fairtrade@Work success stories take a look at the following websites related to the Fairtrade@Work program:

Websites of some international organizations that participate in the Fairtrade@Work Program:

Fairtrade@Work Application Form

Application Form PDF Download →